Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Nonviolence Training

Walking the Way of Nonviolence" is a Kingian Nonviolence Training Program that we will have here at the Franciscan Renewal Center on October 9 & 10.
If you are wondering WHAT is Kingian Nonviolence like I did when I first heard of the phrase, it is a program in which you have an opportunity to learn from professional trainers on how to achieve personal and/or social change in the spirit of nonviolence.

There are 3 presenters who will do the training. I have met Mark Klym (pictured left above) and Nick Katkevich (pictured right above) both of whom are professional and well-trained in presenting this program on Nonviolence.
Although I have not met Lori LeChien, she is dedicated to healing social wounds such as youth incarceration and racism.
The leaders will present the 6 principles that Martin Luther King Jr. had developed and practiced. There will be small group activities during the 2 days so there will be time to discover different ways of thinking and how can the activities and principles be applied in your community, school or social life.

There is much violence in our world and the need for Nonviolence Training is so very needed. Our schools are no longer the "nonviolent" schools that we knew of long ago. Our world is no longer the "nonviolent" place that we knew of long ago.

This program can be a wonderful tool for high school teachers and principals, college students and faculty who face issues of violence regularly as they work with students who come to school with stories of violence in their homes and neighborhoods.

If you have time, this program will be a blessing for you if you have never taken a course or attended a program on nonviolence training. If any questions, don't hesitate to call me.

480-948-7460, ext. 155 or to register call: 480-948-7460, ext. 157.

www.thecasa.org will also give you information on the program and registration as well.
Peace and joy.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

World Day of Peace at the Casa

You are invited to join in a celebration for ...
World Day of Peace at the Casa

September 21, Tuesday
In celebration of World Peace Day, the Franciscan Renewal Center and The Arizona Peace Alliance are partnering to host a peace celebration on the evening of September 21st.
Please join us for this very special occasion as we gather to uplift our hearts and learn how we can be even greater channels for peace in the world. We have many wonderful activities planned for the evening, such as:
Youth Art and Writing Contest:
All youth, grades kindergarten through 12, are invited to participate. The art contest may be any medium desired to express the theme of "Peace Begins With Me". The writing contest should be an inspirational message about peace of 20 words or less. First, second and third place winners will be acknowledged at the ceremony that evening and winners will be asked to present their work. Entries should be sent to: The Franciscan Renewal Center, 5802 E. Lincoln Dr., Scottsdale, AZ 85253, Attn: Bonnie Wasniewski or email: bonnie@thecasa.org. Entries must be received by September 16th.
Aerial Photo of "PEACE". We will begin our peace celebration by gathering people to spell out the word "peace" so that an aerial photo may be taken. We need 196 people to accomplish this so please help us achieve our goal! We ask that you contact us to reserve a space...a letter and number will be assigned to you. Please arrive in the Palm Court at 5:30pm. The photo shoot will start at 5:45pm. Media has been invited. It is suggested that we should all wear shades of dark blue to enhance the photo.
Dances of Universal Peace. After the photo we will celebrate in dance. Dances of Universal Peace are sacred circle dances from various traditions around the world which will be led by Adam Burke, a certified DOP Dance Leader. The dances will be from about 6:30 to 7 PM that evening. All are welcome! Even if you cannot attend the photo shoot, please come and join in the dances and the following ceremony.
Peace Ceremony. We will convene in the Casa's beautiful church at 7 PM to celebrate a peace ceremony together with music, inspirational messages and the presentation of the winners of the Youth Art and Writing Contests. At the conclusion of the evening we will proceed outside and gather around the peace pole by candlelight for our closing. The evening should conclude around 8:15—8:30pm.
We highly encourage families and like-minded organizations to attend! We invite you or a representative from your organization to participate in the peace ceremony. If you are interested in being a part of the peace ceremony, or to reserve your space in the "Peace Picture" or for more details on the writing and art contests, please contact:
Bonnie Wasniewski, bonnie@thecasa.org OR call: 480-948-7460, ext. 155.

I really hope that you can join in on the festivities. We will do the closing with candlelight around the Peace Pole at about 8pm - 8:15pm. Hope you can make it!!

Monday, August 2, 2010

Season For Nonviolence Planning Meeting

Have you ever decided to do something and then just never got around to doing that something?
We all have good intentions but sometimes, life gets in the way.
Many times I would think that if I just had a reminder.....
Ok, so if you are like me and need a reminder, here it is.

The NEW Season For Nonviolence planning meeting is coming up next week on Monday, August 9 at 6pm.
If you have been wanting to get involved NOW would be a good time to jump in to help with the Season For Nonviolence.

We will have a light dinner and then start the meeting promptly at 6:30pm. Please join us. We will also be talking about the World Peace Day on September 21.
Give me a call at 480-948-7460, ext. 155 or email me at bonnie@thecasa.org and let me know that yes, reminders work and you will be coming to the meeting! I look forward to your call.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Help Us to Help Others

We Need YOU

The Faith in Action Ministry at the Casa is alive and well
AND busy! Good things are always happening here.
As we look forward to the upcoming new Fall Season, we encourage all Casa community members to consider being a volunteer in the Faith in Action Ministry.
There are many opportunities and options for volunteering. Right now we could use help in:
· The Medical Ministry
· The Apache Fair Trade Craft Project
· Collections and drives for the disadvantaged, homeless and the Franciscan Missions

These are just some of the areas in which help is always needed.
Looking ahead to the holidays when everyone is feeling a little stretched, the Blanket Drive needs people to help collect, fold and/or deliver the blankets. “Many hands make light work.” Would you consider giving of your time and talent? Maybe this is something you have thought about doing but didn’t know how to go about getting involved.
For answer to your questions or for more information on the many ways to volunteer in the Faith in Action Ministyr, contact Patti Sills-Trausch, Director of the Faith in Action Ministry, 480-948-7460, ext. 130 (socialconcerns@thecasa.org) or Bonnie Wasniewski, Program Coordinator for Faith in Action Ministry, ext. 155 (bonnie@thecasa.org)

A faith community’s social ministry is the empowerment of the congregation as the people of God to fulfill the Church's mission of love, justice, freedom, and peace by communally responding in an organized way to societal and individual needs.
We can respond to this call and act in four different ways:
· Advocacy/Speaking out for others
· Charity/Direct Service
· Solidarity/Development
· Empowerment/Organizing for Justice

You can also pick up a copy of “The Faith in Action Opportunities” booklet in the lobby for a list and explanation of all the many ways you can be involved in this wonderful ministry.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Popcorn Pizza and Peace Movie Night at the Casa

If you are looking for something to do on Friday night, June 18, come on over to the Casa and join us for some pizza (Rosati's Pizza), popcorn, a movie about "Who Are the Prophets Among Us?" and a lively discussion following.
Please be sure to register as we need to know how many pizzas will be needed.
Speaking of the pizza..........Rosati's Pizza, located over on Scottsdale Road and Shea, is donating the pizza in support of the Season For Nonviolence. It is Chicago pizza at its best!! Thank you, ROSATI'S.

The movie we have for that night is "A Prophet Among Us" which is a documentary about Bishop Thomas Gumbleton. I hope that you can join us for a few hours. The night will go like this:
6pm: Welcome and Pizza
6:30: Movie begins
7:30: Discussion following movie

The popcorn will be from our Casa kitchen so it will be available during the movie. Sound like a good Friday night??
I really hope you will consider coming over and be with others who share the desire to learn more about living with conscious decisions concerning nonviolence.
Courageous and compassionate and well-known for his prophetic support of peace and justice, Bishop Gumbleton continues to deliver his message in this documentary of nonviolence and unconditional love.
AND we will have time to talk about it. How many times have you gone to the movies and wished you knew someone who had seen the same movie so you could talk about it??

Mark your calendars....better still, call or go online to register now. http://www.thecasa.org/
Or call: 480-948-7460, ext. 157.

Only $5. Movie, conversation and pizza!! How could you not register? (Oh, and popcorn too!)

This is another Season For Nonviolence Event. Keep checking the website for other programs and events.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Water for the Thirsty

One of the things that we do here at the Casa through the Faith in Action Ministry is to collect water for Andre House.

The Arizona summer is long and HOT. Think about how you feel when you get into your hot car on a typical summer day. Imagine what it is like not to be able to have a drink of water to quench your thirst.
If you can help, next time you are at the grocery store, add some bottled water in your cart to give to Andre House. If you’d rather leave a money donation, that is also much appreciated...It will be used to buy water for the homeless.

You can bring the water over to the the Franciscan Renewal Center on June 12 & 13.
The drop off water station is at the entrance to the hospitality area, on the parking lot side, nearest the Capistrano building.
There will be volunteers to help you unload the water. Thank you for your generosity and for making someone's life just a little easier.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Is There Anyone Who Doesn't Get Angry....Ever???

On May 22, we have a "Peaceable Anger" workshop that is part of the 2010 Season For Nonviolence.
Have you ever felt like screaming when you are angry?
Or perhaps you have felt like throwing something?
Or kicking something?
This workshop will guide you to channel the anger in appropriate ways to express it.
Oftentimes anger will be a cause for problems at home with family, in relationships, in the office or at school.

Francesca Wolfe is a licensed, clinical social worker and is leading the program. She will give you the tools, different ways and suggestions on how to convey to others your angry feelings.

Everyone could use this valuable and helpful information. Who doesn't get angry once in awhile?
I wonder if she will have any practical suggestions on what to do when it is 100 + degrees outside and you are sitting in traffic and your car decides to stall.
Hmmmm, there could be one angry person in that car.

Or has it ever happened to you that after putting all your grocery sacks in the car and you go to start your car, you find out you now have a dead battery??
How could you not be angry about that??

Ok, so what does make you angry and what can you do about it??
Come find out.

Please consider attending and hearing what Francesca has to say about "Peaceable Anger". You can register on line at http://www.thecasa.org/ or you can call, 480-948-7460, ext. 157.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Behind the Scenes

Every great event or happening HAS to have someone behind the scene putting it all together. Like in a puppet show, the puppet master is the one directing everyone to pull the strings to make the show what it is and to present entertainment for the people assembled. As much as we'd like to think that things happen "magically" in reality they don't "JUST" happen. Someone has to be "pulling the strings" to tie it all together.

The Faith in Action Ministry has a wonderful leader in the person of Patti Sills-Trausch. She is the Director of the Faith in Action Ministry here at the Casa. I believe in giving credit where it is due. Patti believes in this ministry and you can immediately hear that when meeting her and working with her.

The teams of people who volunteer to help organize and coordinate projects and various elements are outstanding. Lucky me to be able to work with such a fine leader and exceptional volunteers. I personally encourage you that if you are looking for something to do with your time, check out the Franciscan Renewal Center's website and the Social Action page at www.thecasa.org. There are so many varieties of things to do that there is literally something for everyone.

Don't forget....Check it out: www.thecasa.org/socialaction

Same Pew But A Different View

Recently I have been given a new assignment with my work here at the Casa. When I first started here in 1991, I was working in the Giftshop/bookstore. I was then asked to move into marketing, then public relations and then communications. My newest assignment is working in the Faith In Action Ministry.
Reflecting on my years here at the Casa, I have looked at the different moves within the Casa as sitting in the same pew but seeing a different view each time.
I'm still working in the same place but now my focus will be in a different area.

I know that over the years, I've always thought what a wonderful expression of support and faith the people have who volunteer and work within this ministry. I thought of them as the "hands on" people. People who go out and "DO".
As I learn more about this ministry, I look forward to meeting the many people who give of their time and talents to the community at large.

One of the first tasks that I was asked to work on was to update the brochure listing all the "Faith In Action Opportunities." Wow. I have just realized exactly how many projects that this ministry is involved in coordinating AND it is amazing!

Then my mind rolled out to how do we let people know of these opportunities? Why a blog of course!! So for now, my thought is to blog about each one of the many activities and projects that are available for anyone to participate in here through the Faith in Action Ministry.

Watch for the list to begin shortly. I hope YOU will be as amazed as I was when I started reading about the wonderful things that take place here.

Stay tuned.