Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Same Pew But A Different View

Recently I have been given a new assignment with my work here at the Casa. When I first started here in 1991, I was working in the Giftshop/bookstore. I was then asked to move into marketing, then public relations and then communications. My newest assignment is working in the Faith In Action Ministry.
Reflecting on my years here at the Casa, I have looked at the different moves within the Casa as sitting in the same pew but seeing a different view each time.
I'm still working in the same place but now my focus will be in a different area.

I know that over the years, I've always thought what a wonderful expression of support and faith the people have who volunteer and work within this ministry. I thought of them as the "hands on" people. People who go out and "DO".
As I learn more about this ministry, I look forward to meeting the many people who give of their time and talents to the community at large.

One of the first tasks that I was asked to work on was to update the brochure listing all the "Faith In Action Opportunities." Wow. I have just realized exactly how many projects that this ministry is involved in coordinating AND it is amazing!

Then my mind rolled out to how do we let people know of these opportunities? Why a blog of course!! So for now, my thought is to blog about each one of the many activities and projects that are available for anyone to participate in here through the Faith in Action Ministry.

Watch for the list to begin shortly. I hope YOU will be as amazed as I was when I started reading about the wonderful things that take place here.

Stay tuned.


  1. You go Bonnie! Sounds like you've got your hands full! Hope the new office and desk help you in getting the job done!

  2. Thank you Mike for the encouragement. AND thank you for reading my blog. Watch for new and exciting information from the Faith in Action Ministry!!
