Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Behind the Scenes

Every great event or happening HAS to have someone behind the scene putting it all together. Like in a puppet show, the puppet master is the one directing everyone to pull the strings to make the show what it is and to present entertainment for the people assembled. As much as we'd like to think that things happen "magically" in reality they don't "JUST" happen. Someone has to be "pulling the strings" to tie it all together.

The Faith in Action Ministry has a wonderful leader in the person of Patti Sills-Trausch. She is the Director of the Faith in Action Ministry here at the Casa. I believe in giving credit where it is due. Patti believes in this ministry and you can immediately hear that when meeting her and working with her.

The teams of people who volunteer to help organize and coordinate projects and various elements are outstanding. Lucky me to be able to work with such a fine leader and exceptional volunteers. I personally encourage you that if you are looking for something to do with your time, check out the Franciscan Renewal Center's website and the Social Action page at There are so many varieties of things to do that there is literally something for everyone.

Don't forget....Check it out:

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