Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Popcorn Pizza and Peace Movie Night at the Casa

If you are looking for something to do on Friday night, June 18, come on over to the Casa and join us for some pizza (Rosati's Pizza), popcorn, a movie about "Who Are the Prophets Among Us?" and a lively discussion following.
Please be sure to register as we need to know how many pizzas will be needed.
Speaking of the pizza..........Rosati's Pizza, located over on Scottsdale Road and Shea, is donating the pizza in support of the Season For Nonviolence. It is Chicago pizza at its best!! Thank you, ROSATI'S.

The movie we have for that night is "A Prophet Among Us" which is a documentary about Bishop Thomas Gumbleton. I hope that you can join us for a few hours. The night will go like this:
6pm: Welcome and Pizza
6:30: Movie begins
7:30: Discussion following movie

The popcorn will be from our Casa kitchen so it will be available during the movie. Sound like a good Friday night??
I really hope you will consider coming over and be with others who share the desire to learn more about living with conscious decisions concerning nonviolence.
Courageous and compassionate and well-known for his prophetic support of peace and justice, Bishop Gumbleton continues to deliver his message in this documentary of nonviolence and unconditional love.
AND we will have time to talk about it. How many times have you gone to the movies and wished you knew someone who had seen the same movie so you could talk about it??

Mark your calendars....better still, call or go online to register now.
Or call: 480-948-7460, ext. 157.

Only $5. Movie, conversation and pizza!! How could you not register? (Oh, and popcorn too!)

This is another Season For Nonviolence Event. Keep checking the website for other programs and events.

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