Thursday, June 17, 2010

Help Us to Help Others

We Need YOU

The Faith in Action Ministry at the Casa is alive and well
AND busy! Good things are always happening here.
As we look forward to the upcoming new Fall Season, we encourage all Casa community members to consider being a volunteer in the Faith in Action Ministry.
There are many opportunities and options for volunteering. Right now we could use help in:
· The Medical Ministry
· The Apache Fair Trade Craft Project
· Collections and drives for the disadvantaged, homeless and the Franciscan Missions

These are just some of the areas in which help is always needed.
Looking ahead to the holidays when everyone is feeling a little stretched, the Blanket Drive needs people to help collect, fold and/or deliver the blankets. “Many hands make light work.” Would you consider giving of your time and talent? Maybe this is something you have thought about doing but didn’t know how to go about getting involved.
For answer to your questions or for more information on the many ways to volunteer in the Faith in Action Ministyr, contact Patti Sills-Trausch, Director of the Faith in Action Ministry, 480-948-7460, ext. 130 ( or Bonnie Wasniewski, Program Coordinator for Faith in Action Ministry, ext. 155 (

A faith community’s social ministry is the empowerment of the congregation as the people of God to fulfill the Church's mission of love, justice, freedom, and peace by communally responding in an organized way to societal and individual needs.
We can respond to this call and act in four different ways:
· Advocacy/Speaking out for others
· Charity/Direct Service
· Solidarity/Development
· Empowerment/Organizing for Justice

You can also pick up a copy of “The Faith in Action Opportunities” booklet in the lobby for a list and explanation of all the many ways you can be involved in this wonderful ministry.

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