Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Is There Anyone Who Doesn't Get Angry....Ever???

On May 22, we have a "Peaceable Anger" workshop that is part of the 2010 Season For Nonviolence.
Have you ever felt like screaming when you are angry?
Or perhaps you have felt like throwing something?
Or kicking something?
This workshop will guide you to channel the anger in appropriate ways to express it.
Oftentimes anger will be a cause for problems at home with family, in relationships, in the office or at school.

Francesca Wolfe is a licensed, clinical social worker and is leading the program. She will give you the tools, different ways and suggestions on how to convey to others your angry feelings.

Everyone could use this valuable and helpful information. Who doesn't get angry once in awhile?
I wonder if she will have any practical suggestions on what to do when it is 100 + degrees outside and you are sitting in traffic and your car decides to stall.
Hmmmm, there could be one angry person in that car.

Or has it ever happened to you that after putting all your grocery sacks in the car and you go to start your car, you find out you now have a dead battery??
How could you not be angry about that??

Ok, so what does make you angry and what can you do about it??
Come find out.

Please consider attending and hearing what Francesca has to say about "Peaceable Anger". You can register on line at or you can call, 480-948-7460, ext. 157.

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