Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Nonviolence Training

Walking the Way of Nonviolence" is a Kingian Nonviolence Training Program that we will have here at the Franciscan Renewal Center on October 9 & 10.
If you are wondering WHAT is Kingian Nonviolence like I did when I first heard of the phrase, it is a program in which you have an opportunity to learn from professional trainers on how to achieve personal and/or social change in the spirit of nonviolence.

There are 3 presenters who will do the training. I have met Mark Klym (pictured left above) and Nick Katkevich (pictured right above) both of whom are professional and well-trained in presenting this program on Nonviolence.
Although I have not met Lori LeChien, she is dedicated to healing social wounds such as youth incarceration and racism.
The leaders will present the 6 principles that Martin Luther King Jr. had developed and practiced. There will be small group activities during the 2 days so there will be time to discover different ways of thinking and how can the activities and principles be applied in your community, school or social life.

There is much violence in our world and the need for Nonviolence Training is so very needed. Our schools are no longer the "nonviolent" schools that we knew of long ago. Our world is no longer the "nonviolent" place that we knew of long ago.

This program can be a wonderful tool for high school teachers and principals, college students and faculty who face issues of violence regularly as they work with students who come to school with stories of violence in their homes and neighborhoods.

If you have time, this program will be a blessing for you if you have never taken a course or attended a program on nonviolence training. If any questions, don't hesitate to call me.

480-948-7460, ext. 155 or to register call: 480-948-7460, ext. 157.

www.thecasa.org will also give you information on the program and registration as well.
Peace and joy.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

World Day of Peace at the Casa

You are invited to join in a celebration for ...
World Day of Peace at the Casa

September 21, Tuesday
In celebration of World Peace Day, the Franciscan Renewal Center and The Arizona Peace Alliance are partnering to host a peace celebration on the evening of September 21st.
Please join us for this very special occasion as we gather to uplift our hearts and learn how we can be even greater channels for peace in the world. We have many wonderful activities planned for the evening, such as:
Youth Art and Writing Contest:
All youth, grades kindergarten through 12, are invited to participate. The art contest may be any medium desired to express the theme of "Peace Begins With Me". The writing contest should be an inspirational message about peace of 20 words or less. First, second and third place winners will be acknowledged at the ceremony that evening and winners will be asked to present their work. Entries should be sent to: The Franciscan Renewal Center, 5802 E. Lincoln Dr., Scottsdale, AZ 85253, Attn: Bonnie Wasniewski or email: bonnie@thecasa.org. Entries must be received by September 16th.
Aerial Photo of "PEACE". We will begin our peace celebration by gathering people to spell out the word "peace" so that an aerial photo may be taken. We need 196 people to accomplish this so please help us achieve our goal! We ask that you contact us to reserve a space...a letter and number will be assigned to you. Please arrive in the Palm Court at 5:30pm. The photo shoot will start at 5:45pm. Media has been invited. It is suggested that we should all wear shades of dark blue to enhance the photo.
Dances of Universal Peace. After the photo we will celebrate in dance. Dances of Universal Peace are sacred circle dances from various traditions around the world which will be led by Adam Burke, a certified DOP Dance Leader. The dances will be from about 6:30 to 7 PM that evening. All are welcome! Even if you cannot attend the photo shoot, please come and join in the dances and the following ceremony.
Peace Ceremony. We will convene in the Casa's beautiful church at 7 PM to celebrate a peace ceremony together with music, inspirational messages and the presentation of the winners of the Youth Art and Writing Contests. At the conclusion of the evening we will proceed outside and gather around the peace pole by candlelight for our closing. The evening should conclude around 8:15—8:30pm.
We highly encourage families and like-minded organizations to attend! We invite you or a representative from your organization to participate in the peace ceremony. If you are interested in being a part of the peace ceremony, or to reserve your space in the "Peace Picture" or for more details on the writing and art contests, please contact:
Bonnie Wasniewski, bonnie@thecasa.org OR call: 480-948-7460, ext. 155.

I really hope that you can join in on the festivities. We will do the closing with candlelight around the Peace Pole at about 8pm - 8:15pm. Hope you can make it!!