Monday, August 2, 2010

Season For Nonviolence Planning Meeting

Have you ever decided to do something and then just never got around to doing that something?
We all have good intentions but sometimes, life gets in the way.
Many times I would think that if I just had a reminder.....
Ok, so if you are like me and need a reminder, here it is.

The NEW Season For Nonviolence planning meeting is coming up next week on Monday, August 9 at 6pm.
If you have been wanting to get involved NOW would be a good time to jump in to help with the Season For Nonviolence.

We will have a light dinner and then start the meeting promptly at 6:30pm. Please join us. We will also be talking about the World Peace Day on September 21.
Give me a call at 480-948-7460, ext. 155 or email me at and let me know that yes, reminders work and you will be coming to the meeting! I look forward to your call.